davecheney / httpstat

It's like curl -v, with colours.
MIT License
6.95k stars 382 forks source link

Update usage output #100

Closed moorereason closed 7 years ago

moorereason commented 7 years ago

New output:

$ httpstat
Usage: httpstat [OPTIONS] URL

  -H value
        set HTTP header; repeatable: -H 'Accept: ...' -H 'Range: ...'
  -I    don't read body of request
  -L    follow 30x redirects
  -O    save body as remote filename
  -X string
        HTTP method to use (default "GET")
  -d string
        the body of a POST or PUT request
  -k    allow insecure SSL connections
  -o string
        output file for body
  -v    print version number

  HTTP_PROXY    proxy for HTTP requests; complete URL or HOST[:PORT]
                used for HTTPS requests if HTTPS_PROXY undefined
  HTTPS_PROXY   proxy for HTTPS requests; complete URL or HOST[:PORT]
  NO_PROXY      comma-separated list of hosts to exclude from proxy

Current output:

$ httpstat
usage: httpstat URL
  -H value
        HTTP Header(s) to set. Can be used multiple times. -H 'Accept:...' -H 'Range:....'
  -I    don't read body of request
  -L    follow 30x redirects
  -O    Save body as remote filename
  -X string
        HTTP method to use (default "GET")
  -d string
        the body of a POST or PUT request
  -k    allow insecure SSL connections
  -o string
        output file for body
  -v    print version number
davecheney commented 7 years ago
