davecheney / httpstat

It's like curl -v, with colours.
MIT License
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Create Dockerfile #125

Closed InAnimaTe closed 6 years ago

InAnimaTe commented 6 years ago

Creating a simple Dockerfile that builds and sets httpstat as it's CMD. Note this is from scratch so will only work for non-ssl sites. Additionally, I just used the github remote linkage for go building.

But, its a start ;)

Thanks Dave for this awesome go version!

davecheney commented 6 years ago

I’d rather not maintain this in this projects repo, you’re welcome to host this yourself wherever you see fit.

Personally I think docker is overkill for this, go get works just fine, but I’m sure others have different opinions and they’re welcome to build and host their own docker images.

InAnimaTe commented 6 years ago

nbd, ill maintain it in my fork. Thanks for providing this great app in golang!