davecheney / httpstat

It's like curl -v, with colours.
MIT License
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Add Go 1.8 TLS tracing support & refactor timing code #128

Open rs opened 6 years ago

rs commented 6 years ago

To have accurate measurement of TLS and support skipped steps (DNS, TCP and TLS reuse), the timing code has been refactored to use Go 1.8 support for TLS tracing as well as a more descriptive variable namings for steps time.

This commit removes support for Go versions lower than 1.8.

rs commented 6 years ago

@davecheney: The failing test does also fail on master.

rs commented 6 years ago

@davecheney some tests are still failing, even after the fix. Apparently, httpbin has some connectivity issue. Please just relaunch the test.

rs commented 6 years ago

Done, tests are still randomly failing though.

davecheney commented 6 years ago

I've merged a few of the outstanding commits, can you please rebase and we'll see what's left.

davecheney commented 6 years ago

I think i've fixed the failing tests, please try again.

rs commented 6 years ago

httpbin is still failing from travis.

rs commented 6 years ago

@davecheney what about removing the httpbin tests? Could be replaced by a mock server.

rs commented 6 years ago

@davecheney any chance to merge this?

marco-m commented 5 years ago

@davecheney any chance to have a look at this? Thanks!