davecheney / httpstat

It's like curl -v, with colours.
MIT License
6.96k stars 382 forks source link

HTTPS default secure but allow insecure when flag provided #42

Closed tcnksm closed 7 years ago

tcnksm commented 7 years ago

Fixes https://github.com/davecheney/httpstat/issues/40

Use -k to allow to perform insecure connection. It's same as curl does.

Tested on my domain (it's hosted on github pages)

$ httpstat https://deeeet.com
2016/09/25 12:02:40 unable to negotiate TLS handshake: x509: certificate is valid for *.github.com, github.com, *.github.io, not deeeet.com
$  httpstat -k https://deeeet.com

HTTP/1.1 200 OK