davecheney / httpstat

It's like curl -v, with colours.
MIT License
6.96k stars 382 forks source link

Colours don't work in CMD and PowerShell #64

Closed wub closed 7 years ago

wub commented 7 years ago


davecheney commented 7 years ago

Thanks for confirming. I had someone else confirm that httpstat did work on windows 10, so I'm not sure at the moment where the problem is.

On Mon, 26 Sep 2016, 07:50 Jarrod Mosen notifications@github.com wrote:

[image: PowerShell] https://camo.githubusercontent.com/35a4df37b36aa366433916fc7798c832dbd07a71/687474703a2f2f692e696d6775722e636f6d2f706d73666f48362e706e67

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wub commented 7 years ago

Ah yes, sorry, for posterity this is Windows 8.1 Enterprise.