davecheney / httpstat

It's like curl -v, with colours.
MIT License
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Honor Host header when connecting to IPs #96

Closed moorereason closed 8 years ago

moorereason commented 8 years ago

Fixes #36

davecheney commented 8 years ago

I wonder if this is a bridge too far, the feature is quite esoteric, and its usage is even more so. I'm leaning towards saying No to this one.

moorereason commented 8 years ago

Let's try this again after getting some sleep. :wink:

theckman commented 8 years ago

@davecheney at work I'm often doing testing against singular IPs, while passing in a Host header:

curl -IH 'Host: blah.work.tld' http://<TEST_IP>/

I'd replace my usage with httpstat if it supported it.

theckman commented 8 years ago

@moorereason maybe we can add this to the top of the .travis.yml file:

    - dnsutils

You should then have dig.

moorereason commented 8 years ago

@theckman, thanks for the addons info. Fixed. :+1: