In you were right! I introduced a bug when the graph has cycles. That commit was marking all the neighbours as visited when enqueueing them insted of when actually visiting them. This caused that vertices that are neighbours of a visited vertex could not be visited until unqueued. For example, on the triangle graph, the path found was always of lenght 1, when it should be of lenght 2.
I've added a test for this and reverted the commit. Sorry for introducing the bug.
In you were right! I introduced a bug when the graph has cycles. That commit was marking all the neighbours as visited when enqueueing them insted of when actually visiting them. This caused that vertices that are neighbours of a visited vertex could not be visited until unqueued. For example, on the triangle graph, the path found was always of lenght 1, when it should be of lenght 2.
I've added a test for this and reverted the commit. Sorry for introducing the bug.