davedevelopment / phpmig

Simple migrations system for php
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Archiving older scripts #130

Open awalls opened 6 years ago

awalls commented 6 years ago

Over the years we have several 100 migration scripts which will probably never be run again but which we'd like to keep for reference. Is there a best practice for dealing with older scripts? For example is it as simple as just pushing these to an archive folder?

davedevelopment commented 6 years ago

Moving them to a folder would be one way to do it. You could then tell phpmig where to find them, so the status command still looks sensible, see https://github.com/davedevelopment/phpmig#multi-path-migrations

I work on a single deployment product, so I feel fine deleting the migration files and the migration records, and then rely on version control if I ever want to go back to them.

awalls commented 6 years ago

Cheers Dave. Just wanted to see if there was a "best practice" way of dealing with this. Deleting them is probably best as less files for the script to try and work it's way through. Like you said they can always be pulled from version control if needed.