Open daveharmswebdev opened 7 years ago
We need the ability to create an account. Then we need the ability to login and logout. And when you are logged in the application should state explicitly who is logged in. At the very least have the name in the upper right corner, displayed at all times, therefore fixed.
A stretch goal would be to have a photo (thumbnail) applied next to the name.
This means we need to have the ability to edit a profile.
stretch goals
This is the log in page, simple user and pass to log in. There is a simple link if not a member, which leads to register page.
route: /account/login
This is the register view, when pressing continue, takes you to profile view, profile will be required to complete registration, it is not something that can be skipped, done later.
route: /account/register
Registration is complete with completing the profile page, of course there is a button
route: /account/profile
stretch goals: forget/reset password. Validate email.
User Story
As a user I want to be able to login and logout so I can protect my data.
Acceptance Criteria