I'm pretty new to Phoenix and Elixir, but on phoenix 1.3.0-rc and elixir 1.5.1 I had to add {:ueberauth_spotify, "~> 0.0.1", hex: :ueberauth_spotify_oauth} as specified on hex.pm for this package. Does that make sense? Aside from that it worked great for me, and I appreciated your extending of the base ueberauth instructions!
I'm pretty new to Phoenix and Elixir, but on phoenix 1.3.0-rc and elixir 1.5.1 I had to add
{:ueberauth_spotify, "~> 0.0.1", hex: :ueberauth_spotify_oauth}
as specified on hex.pm for this package. Does that make sense? Aside from that it worked great for me, and I appreciated your extending of the base ueberauth instructions!