daveleroy / SublimeDebugger

Graphical Debugger for Sublime Text for debuggers that support the debug adapter protocol
MIT License
366 stars 41 forks source link

Rate limit exceeded while installing adapters #241

Closed subutux closed 4 months ago

subutux commented 6 months ago


While running the command Debugger: Install Adapters I get the following errors and I am unable to install any adapter:

Checking For Updates]
    lldb: github vadimcn/vscode-lldb
    gdb: github WebFreak001/code-debug
    js: github daveleroy/vscode-js-debug
    js: github daveleroy/vscode-js-debug
    js: github daveleroy/vscode-js-debug
    python: github daveleroy/vscode-python
    java: github microsoft/vscode-java-debug
    go: github golang/vscode-go
    php: github xdebug/vscode-php-debug
    rdbg: github ruby/vscode-rdbg
    elixir: github daveleroy/vscode-elixir-ls
    lua-local: github daveleroy/local-lua-debugger-vscode
    firefox: github daveleroy/vscode-firefox-debug
    emulicious-debugger: github calindro/emulicious-debugger
    lldb: HTTP Error 403: rate limit exceeded: Unable to download file $https://api.github.com/repos/vadimcn/vscode-lldb/releases
    gdb: HTTP Error 403: rate limit exceeded: Unable to download file $https://api.github.com/repos/WebFreak001/code-debug/releases
    js: HTTP Error 403: rate limit exceeded: Unable to download file $https://api.github.com/repos/daveleroy/vscode-js-debug/releases
    js: HTTP Error 403: rate limit exceeded: Unable to download file $https://api.github.com/repos/daveleroy/vscode-js-debug/releases
    js: HTTP Error 403: rate limit exceeded: Unable to download file $https://api.github.com/repos/daveleroy/vscode-js-debug/releases
    python: HTTP Error 403: rate limit exceeded: Unable to download file $https://api.github.com/repos/daveleroy/vscode-python/releases
    go: HTTP Error 403: rate limit exceeded: Unable to download file $https://api.github.com/repos/golang/vscode-go/releases
    java: HTTP Error 403: rate limit exceeded: Unable to download file $https://api.github.com/repos/microsoft/vscode-java-debug/releases
    php: HTTP Error 403: rate limit exceeded: Unable to download file $https://api.github.com/repos/xdebug/vscode-php-debug/releases
    rdbg: HTTP Error 403: rate limit exceeded: Unable to download file $https://api.github.com/repos/ruby/vscode-rdbg/releases
    elixir: HTTP Error 403: rate limit exceeded: Unable to download file $https://api.github.com/repos/daveleroy/vscode-elixir-ls/releases
    lua-local: HTTP Error 403: rate limit exceeded: Unable to download file $https://api.github.com/repos/daveleroy/local-lua-debugger-vscode/releases
    firefox: HTTP Error 403: rate limit exceeded: Unable to download file $https://api.github.com/repos/daveleroy/vscode-firefox-debug/releases
    emulicious-debugger: HTTP Error 403: rate limit exceeded: Unable to download file $https://api.github.com/repos/calindro/emulicious-debugger/releases

Is there a way to provide your own API token for github?


daveleroy commented 6 months ago

No its something I recently started adding support for but its not done.

This should only happen when restarting the plugin/sublime multiple times and then fetching the adapters list. I believe the lockout is an hour but I'm not sure.

daveleroy commented 4 months ago

https://github.com/daveleroy/SublimeDebugger/commit/90af2514a4e30ae7a27ddca85ec8120799ef1fa8 adds github_personal_access_token to the settings for specifying a token to use with the github api