daveleroy / SublimeDebugger

Graphical Debugger for Sublime Text for debuggers that support the debug adapter protocol
MIT License
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`selector` property in task #249

Closed AmjadHD closed 4 months ago

AmjadHD commented 4 months ago
    "debugger_tasks": [
            "name": "Nim: compile for debugging",
            "shell_cmd": "nim c -g ${file}",
            "selector": "source.nim",
            "file_regex": "^(.+.nim)\\((\\d+), (\\d+)\\) (.*)",
            "line_regex": "Error:"

when running the task, it runs forever (I need to Kill it) and nothing is printed to the output.

daveleroy commented 4 months ago

If you add anything not supported by terminus like selector its going to throw an exception when running the command that ends up in the sublime console. Detecting that error isn't possible right now.

You can click on the icon in the tab to kill the task.