daveleroy / SublimeDebugger

Graphical Debugger for Sublime Text for debuggers that support the debug adapter protocol
MIT License
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{command_pick_process} not implemented. #252

Closed yaroslavyaroslav closed 3 months ago

yaroslavyaroslav commented 4 months ago

This line https://github.com/daveleroy/SublimeDebugger/blob/805614b704da4f61f11fefcc13a833de25cad229/modules/adapters/lldb.py#L91 points to a module that doesn't exist, so on a call with command_pick_process app silently dies.

I see that it was changed in this 88d63daafc8ddd804dba7a083d6a72a7a1898d4a commit, but I don't see a related changes made in ./utils neither am I able to launch a previous stable version locally, because it fails to install any adapter due to some Settings error while being installed by the repo clone, neither I'm able to fix it just by calling the old function process_select(), because it occurs broken as well.

Is there a way how I can overcome this?

daveleroy commented 4 months ago

You have to specify the pid manually. Dependencies aren't supported on the 3.8 plugin host so anything using psutil is broken until dependencies work on 3.8

I think there has been some work on getting dependencies working on 3.8 recently so maybe it will be fixed in the near future

yaroslavyaroslav commented 4 months ago

@daveleroy got it thanks, just in case maybe do you know any way to put a pid there dynamically? My use case is iOS one, and I got a pid in return of install command run. Have no clue how to put it there though.

daveleroy commented 4 months ago

Can you not just attach with the program name?

yaroslavyaroslav commented 4 months ago

Yep, but I can't pass the name to Debugger, it throws "pid should be an integer" error.

daveleroy commented 4 months ago

Use the program field and don't specify the pid https://github.com/vadimcn/codelldb/blob/master/MANUAL.md#attaching-to-a-running-process

yaroslavyaroslav commented 3 months ago

Yep, that worked. Thanks.