daveleroy / SublimeDebugger

Graphical Debugger for Sublime Text for debuggers that support the debug adapter protocol
MIT License
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Add reverse_continue and step_back commands #257

Closed Phaiax closed 3 months ago

Phaiax commented 3 months ago


I wanted to use the reverse debugging features of gdb.

It would be nice if the DAP supports reverse-next but as far as I see that's not supported.

Phaiax commented 3 months ago

Hi daveleroy. Just pinging 😸

daveleroy commented 3 months ago

Hi daveleroy. Just pinging 😸

Sorry I should get to this sometimes this weekend

daveleroy commented 3 months ago

I made a few changes such as checking that the adapter is gdb before enabling the commands so you should test and make sure its working.

I currently don't have access to gdb but I'll test things when I do