davelester / WPBadger

A lightweight badge issuing platform built using WordPress
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Provide fallbacks for values required by OBI JSON validator #35

Closed boonebgorges closed 11 years ago

boonebgorges commented 11 years ago

There are some values that are required by the OBI spec, but in some circumstances are not being properly set on my setup: version and badge.image are the two I've run into. It would be nice to provide fallbacks for these values (in the form of wrapper functions, I guess) so that badges erroneously created without these values can still be correctly awarded.

In the case of images, this would also probably mean providing a default badge image.

An alternative to this technique is to disable Awards associated with a given Badge if we've determined that the Badge assertion won't pass validation.

See also #3 on badge info validation, and #17 on miscellaneous errors.

davelester commented 11 years ago

In a recent commit, @sbutler shared a patch that accomplishes your alternative. For the most part, badge images should be original so I'm hesitant to provide a fallback image. Where I've seen people get lost is specifying a version, but as I brought up in issue #45 the current implementation of version is actually a misreading of the OBI spec. I'm learning toward removing the version entirely -- please follow-up in the other issue if you have questions or concerns.