davelester / WPBadger

A lightweight badge issuing platform built using WordPress
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Accepting Badge gets Unreachable error ? #36

Closed adamprocter closed 11 years ago

adamprocter commented 11 years ago

We have encountered the following problem: trying to grab url http://myblog.com/rcs/awards/429906602995470/?json=1 got error UnreachableError: Unable to retrieve assertion from the following url: http://myblog.com/rcs/awards/429906602995470/?json=1

My wordpress is part of multi worpress install and currently only allows connections from specific sites

Can you advise what URLS I should allow connections from ? (if you think this will help)

adamprocter commented 11 years ago

Any clues ?

davelester commented 11 years ago

Does the award still exist? The url without the /?json=1 should be valid; since it's currently a 404 error, I would assume that there's a problem in the rewrite rules. Can you confirm that the award is "published"?

adamprocter commented 11 years ago

Yes its published

davelester commented 11 years ago

Can you share the actual URL so I can take a closer look at the actual assertion file? If you would like for this to be private, feel free to drop me a line: dave@ischool.berkeley.edu

adamprocter commented 11 years ago

the URL is blocked to a specific IP range so I cant. but they have now added an exception for mozilla.net and I get this error ? I can email you the URL if that is of any use ?

We have encountered the following problem: badge assertion appears to be invalid

davelester commented 11 years ago

Definitely, feel free to email the URL or even just copy/paste the contents of the JSON assertion file and I can help check what's going on. You can also copy-paste your assertion into the openbadges validator and see what's up: http://beta.openbadges.org/issuer/validator

If the assertion file is invalid, the most common problems are related to data entry, including:

I'm also not 100% sure what IP addresses you would need to add an exception for in order for Mozilla to access your assertion file. If it's an error related to accepting a badge into one's backpack, I would guess that host would be beta.openbadges.org, but you may want to confirm by asking on the openbadges IRC channel: #badges on irc.mozilla.org

adamprocter commented 11 years ago

have emailed you some details

adamprocter commented 11 years ago

Its a known Firewall bug https://github.com/mozilla/openbadges/issues/402 - have been asked to put in my use case.

adamprocter commented 11 years ago

To note I was missing some info from the json assertion stuff stuff that means I am now getting the following error -

"We have encountered the following problem: trying to grab image at url http://myblog.soton.ac.uk/blog/files/2012/10/walk.png got error UnreachableError: Unable to retrieve image from the following url: http://myblog.soton.ac.uk/blog/files/2012/10/walk.png"

adamprocter commented 11 years ago

Ok removing the featured image gives me the error - i guess it messed up the jSON file..

"badge assertion appears to be invalid"

I cant use a URL to an image as there is no option to set as featured (server to dish up badge image)

davelester commented 11 years ago

When the plugin is installed, it should fail and alert the user if their theme doesn't support-thumbnails (which add the "set as featured image" link).

Try adding the following line to your current theme's functions.php file:

add_theme_support( 'post-thumbnails' );

adamprocter commented 11 years ago

Ok however for you info the set as featured link is is ok on the from media tab but not the option us not there for from URL tab.


On 1 Nov 2012, at 00:07, Dave Lester notifications@github.com wrote:

When the plugin is installed, it should fail and alert the user if their theme doesn't support-thumbnails (which add the "set as featured image" link).

Try adding the following line to your current theme's functions.php file:

add_theme_support( 'post-thumbnails' );

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub.

davelester commented 11 years ago

There should be three tabs in the set featured image popup window: from computer, from url, or media library. Sounds like you want to use "from url."

adamprocter commented 11 years ago

Yes that option is only present on media library tab / or after from Computer uploads No option on from URL appears or is present.


On 1 Nov 2012, at 05:09, Dave Lester notifications@github.com wrote:

There should be three tabs in the set featured image popup window: from computer, from url, or media library. Sounds like you want to use "from url."

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub.

davelester commented 11 years ago

btw, the attachment doesn't send through github. It sounds like your problem is similar to this: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20110116231520AAZwrnh. Maybe a theme issue?

adamprocter commented 11 years ago

I'm just using the default 2012 theme :( ill ask our IT people to look into this though.

Thanks for all your help Adam

On 1 Nov 2012, at 20:29, Dave Lester notifications@github.com wrote:

btw, the attachment doesn't send through github. It sounds like your problem is similar to this: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20110116231520AAZwrnh. Maybe a theme issue?

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub.

kevinmulryne commented 11 years ago

Hi - I'm having the same problem. I can preview the badge fine until I publish it - then it just returns a page not found. When I try and collect the award it gives a similar error to the above - i.e. it can't issue a badge which doesn't exist...

chriswilde commented 11 years ago

Hi, I'm getting this error message too...I've had a play and installed a couple of different themes, but this has had no effect. Everything works fine...I can create the badge, and send it to the mail address no problem, but when the user follows the link to add the badge to the backpack i get the following error:

We have encountered the following problem: trying to grab url http://www.wildmelonhistory.com/openbadges/?award=888839413458481&json=1 got error ParseError: Failed to parse JSON at http://www.wildmelonhistory.com/openbadges/?award=888839413458481&json=1: Unexpected token '

Could you advise please Dave? This is an excellent tool and idea, and I'm looking to test it in a school in January...

kevinmulryne commented 11 years ago

Hi Chris. I have got mine working now. Here are the things I did - just in case any of these help (Dave told me to check all these...):

  1. I did a completely new installation of WordPress with no plugins and with the default theme
  2. I made sure the badge version was 1.0 rather than 1
  3. I made sure the badge description had no markup in it - i.e. only plain text
  4. I made sure the badge description only had a few words in it

I'm happy to issue you a badge with my set up if it would help or have a look at your set up - but Dave is the technical guy, obviously.

Kevin :)

kevinmulryne commented 11 years ago

Also, Chris, I would be interested in following your progress as I am setting up a trial of Open Badges at the National College and would love to share experiences with you.



adamprocter commented 11 years ago

Working for me In the end I had to ensure all the admin settings where correct Dashboard > Settings > WPBadger As my WP is behind a firewall I also had to white list mozilla.net and the media folder so that the featured images could be sent.

chriswilde commented 11 years ago

Hi Guys, thanks for the support and ideas...I'm getting closer!!! No longer getting the error message...think this was due to an apostrophe in my settings details. I'm now getting the following message: We have encountered the following problem: badge assertion appears to be invalid I'm getting closer though, and have some time tonight to review the server side stuff, and try outside of our firewall. Fingers crossed we'll be up and running by mid evening. Thanks again, Chris

chriswilde commented 11 years ago

Gents....Its working!! Brought it down then re-installed and have issued a test badge!!!!! Thanks so much for the excellent system, and support network.

kevinmulryne commented 11 years ago

Hooray! Why not make a celebration badge and issue it to us!! (Joke.) Glad it worked out in the end. :)

davelester commented 11 years ago

Terrific! Congrats on successfully issuing badges. If you'd like to add yourself to the list of people or organizations using WPBadger, I'd appreciate it!