davelester / WPBadger

A lightweight badge issuing platform built using WordPress
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badge assertion appears to be invalid #40

Closed strongcord closed 11 years ago

strongcord commented 11 years ago

"We have encountered the following problem: badge assertion appears to be invalid"

Spent a couple of days researching before adding this issue...

Using both your plugins... WPbadger.0.6.2 & WPbadgeDisplay.0.8

Using dedicated server, so can have administrator do whatever is necessary.

Do not know where to find the .json file to validate it

Researched .json file structure and built a hand-made badge and the badge assertion file passed the openbadges validator: http://beta.openbadges.org/issuer/validator

That's when I found that the .json email addresses cannot handle uppercase in domain name.

Other than that the format of the information required in the WPbadger Config seems to match what I saw demonstrated in the hand-made badge .json file.

However... when trying to use the baker.... http://beta.openbadges.org/baker?assertion=http://mini4wd.com/badge-assertion03.json

get this error... "{"message":"Unexpected content-type: Response is text/plain, but expected application/json","name":"ContentTypeError"}"

...i saved the .json file as .json and not as .txt and FTP using binary not ascii.

Maybe the baker give a clue to what I am doing wrong with your plugins.

Am I clueless?

Thank you and peace all around

davelester commented 11 years ago

Could you share the url of your award json so I could take a closer look?

davelester commented 11 years ago

I'm closing this ticket because the problem was likely caused by invalid data being entered into the post type. Feel free to share the link to your award so I can continue debugging -- the upcoming release of WPBadger will add some validation to hopefully prevent or reduce the number of similar problems that folks run into.