davelester / WPBadger

A lightweight badge issuing platform built using WordPress
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Permalinks Must be %postname% #46

Open mrjarbenne opened 11 years ago

mrjarbenne commented 11 years ago

The badge award link goes to a "Page Not Found" unless permalinks are set to Postname only. At least I think that's the issue; with permalinks I'm never sure if it just needs a kick to reset itself, but I did try a few options before the link worked.

This glitch also applies to the domain.com/badges archive.

I don't know that it's necessarily an issue, perhaps just a note to be added to the readme file.

MikeDeal commented 11 years ago

Hey, I am having problems with this.... I have mine set to Postname but am still getting the 'page not found' issue, did you find anything else out that might cause this?