davelester / WPBadger

A lightweight badge issuing platform built using WordPress
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Commons in a box - breaks wiki and forums #64

Open johnatcollege opened 10 years ago

johnatcollege commented 10 years ago

When I use WP badger with commons in a box the formatting of the wiki and the forums is broken.

davelester commented 10 years ago

Could you describe what's broken in greater detail? Screenshots would be helpful if possible. Thanks!

johnatcollege commented 10 years ago

Hi Dave, thanks for looking at this. The problem seems to be with the displaying/formatting of the wiki and the forums. The completely lose the way they should look, and display much like a blog page. I have attached screenshots showing them before and after activation of the plugin. commons in a box - wiki - with wpbadger disabled commons in a box - forums - with wpbadger disabled commons in a box - wiki - with wpbadger enabled commons in a box - forums - with wpbadger enabled