davemckain / qtiworks

**This project will be closed in early 2023!** IMS QTI 2.1 assessment delivery engine and Java development library (JQTI+). Supports the MathAssess extensions. Replacement for QTIEngine/JQTI and MathAssessEngine/JQTI. Note that this project has now ended and no further work is currently planned.
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Computerized Adaptive Tests (CAT) Support #69

Closed aboudzz closed 7 years ago

aboudzz commented 8 years ago

What are the plans for supporting or plugin-in Computerized Adaptive Test (CAT) engines?

davemckain commented 8 years ago

QTI 2.1 defines and classes, providing a basic mechanism for plugging in 3rd party tools or adding in additional functionality.

A project called MathAssess - funded from the same source as QTIWorks so therefore integrated into QTIWorks - developed some extensions for using the Maxima Computer Algebra System (http://maxima.sourceforge.net) to support more complex mathematical assessment items. The QTIWorks public demo shows some of these questions in operation.

You may be able to use these ideas to define and develop your extensions. However you'd need to do this yourself, and you'd have to run your own instance of QTIWorks in order to support these. You may also find that the customInteraction/customOperator extensions aren't so useful in the context of assessmentTests. (I.e. adaptive tests rather than adaptive items.) I suspect there weren't enough (any?) use cases developed for that scenario.

I can provide more details on the MathAssess specification if you'd like to look into possibly doing something similar yourself.

You may want to look at QTI 2.2 to see if that brings in anything that might be of use. (I have to admit I haven't looked at it closely yet.) However note that there are no plans to support QTI 2.2 in QTIWorks.

Any further development of QTIWorks (other than bug fixes) would be contingent on finding a source of funding.

Hope that helps a bit!

davemckain commented 7 years ago

Closing this one as it has been dormant for a while.