davemor / ace-ios

Addiction Companion Edinburgh is an app to help people in recover find out about event and services that might be helpful for them.
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Information Section - Add details about MP4s and free code. #15

Closed davemor closed 8 years ago

davemor commented 8 years ago

Ask Anne-Marie about where to get these.

andrewsage commented 8 years ago

@am998 can you please provide this information.

am998 commented 8 years ago

you should be able to download the 3 files from this zip: https://am998.host.cs.st-andrews.ac.uk/EdinApps/audiotracks.zip

Please display this Information about mindfulness tracks (probably in the about us as well as the reflection section): These mindfulness tracks were provided specifically for ARC Edinburgh users by the Foundation for Positive Mental Health (link: http://www.foundationforpositivementalhealth.com/). As well as the tracks already in the app, users of ARC Edinburgh can have FREE access to more of these tracks. To access these, go to www.foundationforpositivementalhealth.com , register as a new user and use one of these code citycodef1, citycodef2 or citycodef3 along with the postcode EH8 8BG. Happy Listening!

Also, display this warning..

WARNING: Although many people find Positive Mental Training highly effective, these recordings are not recommended for people who have certain mental problems, such as psychosis, schizophrenia or manic depression (bipolar disorder). This programme is NOT intended to replace appropriate conventional treatment by a doctor or other health professional. If in doubt we recommend that you consult with your GP before downloading and listening. We cannot guarantee that everyone will find our programme effective although in the majority of cases, proper use of our programme can lead to some beneficial effect. Never listen to these recordings while driving a car or operating machinery or somewhere it is unsafe to fall asleep.

davemor commented 8 years ago

Use AVPlayerViewContoller. Something like:

let videoURL = NSURL(string: "https://clips.vorwaerts-gmbh.de/big_buck_bunny.mp4") let player = AVPlayer(URL: videoURL!) let playerViewController = AVPlayerViewController() playerViewController.player = player self.presentViewController(playerViewController, animated: true) { playerViewController.player!.play() }