davepar / gcalendarsync

Apps Script for syncing a Google Spreadsheet with Google Calendar
MIT License
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"Cannot find calendar. Check instructions for set up." #66

Open WolfmanArtist opened 4 years ago

WolfmanArtist commented 4 years ago

I followed all these instructions and placed my calendar's ID in the string of code just as it was explained here. Whenever I select a cell and click either "Sync to Calendar" or "Update to Calendar" on the top ui bar of the spreadsheet. I still get this error pop-up "Cannot find calendar. Check instructions for set up." The script is running fine, too.

Also keep in mind that I am a newb and might not have common sense with appscript.

davepar commented 4 years ago

Did you double check that your have the calendar ID correct? It should end in "@group.calendar.google.com".

WolfmanArtist commented 4 years ago

Yeah, it ends in that. I also get a typeError each time I select one of the macros as a result of this being imported. Maybe I missed a step? I downloaded the sheet, copy/pasted script, replaced the calendarID with the calendarID that I have, and then imported the script under Tools>Macros>Import

davepar commented 4 years ago

That might be the issue. This is a script, not a macro. You should be doing Tools -> Script Editor and pasting the code there. I'm not exactly sure what the difference is, but that might be it.