In particular, when a node or edge label is a string value like "node" or "edge", and perhaps other strings that seem to be some kind of reserved keywords in the dot language, as of Dorothy version 0.7 it generates dot files where those attribute values do not have double quotes surrounding them, and several versions of Graphviz's dot command give an error when trying to read such a file.
$ cat
digraph {
graph [];
graph [layout=dot];
a -> b [label=node];
Then in a terminal on an Ubuntu 18.04 Linux system with this version of dot installed, dot gives an error while attempting to parse that file:
$ dot -V
dot - graphviz version 2.40.1 (20161225.0304)
$ dot -Tpdf > simple.pdf
Error: syntax error in line 6 near 'node'
Similarly on an Ubuntu 20.04 Linux system with this version of dot installed:
$ dot -V
dot - graphviz version 2.43.0 (0)
$ dot -Tpdf > simple.pdf
Error: syntax error in line 6 near 'node'
Similarly on a macOS 10.14.6 system with this version of dot installed:
$ dot -V
dot - graphviz version 2.44.1 (20200629.0846)
$ dot -Tpdf > simple.pdf
Error: syntax error in line 6 near 'node'
On all three system + Graphviz versions mentioned above, editing the file to the following, adding double quotes around the values of all attributes, enabled dot to correctly parse the file and produce the desired drawing:
$ cat
digraph {
graph [];
graph [layout="dot"];
a -> b [label="node"];
In particular, when a node or edge label is a string value like "node" or "edge", and perhaps other strings that seem to be some kind of reserved keywords in the dot language, as of Dorothy version 0.7 it generates dot files where those attribute values do not have double quotes surrounding them, and several versions of Graphviz's
command give an error when trying to read such a file.Here are fairly short steps to reproduce:
Then in a terminal on an Ubuntu 18.04 Linux system with this version of dot installed, dot gives an error while attempting to parse that file:
Similarly on an Ubuntu 20.04 Linux system with this version of dot installed:
Similarly on a macOS 10.14.6 system with this version of dot installed:
On all three system + Graphviz versions mentioned above, editing the file to the following, adding double quotes around the values of all attributes, enabled dot to correctly parse the file and produce the desired drawing: