davesag / open-recipe

A facebook app that allows people to share their favourite home recipes
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finalise text for the terms and conditions page #9

Open davesag opened 12 years ago

davesag commented 12 years ago

Current 'terms' text is

Open Recipe aims to provide to you a singularly awesome system for sharing, and discovering favourite recipes old and new, amongst your friends in Facebook. By using the Open Recipe app you agree the following.

  • You will not use this app to commit a crime of any kind, in any jurisdiction, or to attempt to commit a crime.
  • Photos you upload to Open Recipe must be your ow original works and meet Facebook's overall standards for what comprises an appropriate photograph to share on a social network.
  • Recipes you enter into the system must be your own personal recipes and you can't just go uploading your favourite recipes from magazines and books.
  • Other things our lawyers make us put here.

    We don't warrant Open Recipe as being secure, nor fit for any particular service, and stress that is serves mostly an entertainment service rather than a bibliographical service. Other stuff the lawyers might want.

We need this to be better written. Dave's brother ought to be able to help here.

davesag commented 12 years ago

Email from Matt

You need to make sure that your license from user extends to publishing activities and that they understand that their personal information/contributions can't be withdrawn from a printed book once it is printed.

You might also want to include some guidlines for users re: respecting other people's IP in recipes. I can help you with this, in a way that does not sound too restrictive.

You also need a repeat infringer policy to take advantage of the DMCA and aust equivalent.

davesag commented 12 years ago

from Matt

Are recipes protected by copyright?

Copyright law in most countries makes it quite clear that a mere listing of ingredients or contents is not copyrightable. However, if a recipe is described in a way that goes beyond the basics, that description might be protected by copyright. To qualify for copyright protection, a description would have to show some minimal degree of creativity in the prose itself, it does not matter how creative or original the cake might be.