daveshanley / vacuum

vacuum is the worlds fastest OpenAPI 3, OpenAPI 2 / Swagger linter and quality analysis tool. Built in go, it tears through API specs faster than you can think. vacuum is compatible with Spectral rulesets and generates compatible reports.
MIT License
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Online Version : OWASP check or not Display #399

Closed LasneF closed 6 months ago

LasneF commented 6 months ago

Given the online sample , OWASP validation is not checked

but it is displayed as no error image

1) if a rulesset is not enabled it should not be part of the reports otherwise it creates kind of lying experience

1) Online version should have a tick to check owasp or not (and if so should not display it as part of the report)

daveshanley commented 6 months ago

Yes this is a good idea. Will add.

LasneF commented 6 months ago

the online part has been implemented (point 2)

the (1) if if ruleset is not , we may close or not this ticket

daveshanley commented 6 months ago

I still need to adjust the html-report and the terminal UI to not show the OWASP categories, (or show a not enabled message). So let's keep this open until the job is fully done.

daveshanley commented 6 months ago

in v0.7.0 the categories that have no results are hidden from the HTML report and the dashboard (tui).

This is now complete.