daveshap / OpenAI_Agent_Swarm

HAAS = Hierarchical Autonomous Agent Swarm - "Resistance is futile!"
MIT License
2.95k stars 381 forks source link

BOUNTY: Discussion moderator #101

Closed daveshap closed 8 months ago

daveshap commented 8 months ago


TemporalLabsLLC-SOL commented 8 months ago

I can handle this.

I'm TemporalLabSol in discord.

I work nighttime and am in Utah.

This is what I do full-time.

TemporalLabsLLC-SOL commented 8 months ago

To effectively address Issue #101 for Haas, a comprehensive plan needs to be developed for optimizing the Discussions tab. This involves improving the signal-to-noise ratio, organizing discussions, and surfacing primary topics.

Based on the existing structure and discussions in the GitHub repository, here is a detailed plan:

### Understanding the Current Scenario

  1. Review Current Discussions: Analyze existing discussions to understand the prevalent themes and engagement patterns. Some existing categories and discussions include:

    • Tool Building: "Tool Builder - Interacting with the real world. Incredible behavior" .

    • Ideas & Thoughts: "Direct command sequencing to promote utilisation of documents" and "What about using Pub/Sub for AI Agent communications" .

    • Show and Tell: "Created an agent builder script, would love your feedback" .


Here’s a detailed plan incorporating the existing structure and potential improvements:

Current Discussion Categories (from GitHub):

Proposed Categorization Enhancement:

Technical Discussions: Focused on code, implementation details, and technical challenges. Includes Swarm Architecture and Tool Making.

Project Management and Planning: Discussions about project direction, management strategies, and planning. Could include Project Management and Announcements.

Community and Collaboration: Encouraging community engagement, collaboration ideas, and general discussions. Could include Ideas & Thoughts and Communication.

Problem Solving and Support: Dedicated to addressing Issues & Bugs, Pull Requests, and technical support queries.

Innovation and Creativity: For brainstorming new ideas, discussing innovative approaches, and showcasing new developments. Includes Show and Tell and Q&A - Onboarding.

Guidelines for Effective Discussion Management:

Stay Relevant: Ensure all discussions are closely related to project objectives and categories.

Encourage Constructive Engagement: Promote respectful and constructive dialogue.

Avoid Repetition: Check for existing discussions before posting new topics.

Proactive Moderation: Regularly monitor discussions to maintain focus and relevance.

Differentiating Signal from Noise in HaaS Discussions:


Signal in the HaaS discussions involves contributions that are constructive, relevant, and enhance the project's value. Here are examples:

Technical Queries and Solutions: Direct questions or posts about HaaS's technical aspects, such as discussing algorithms for agent behavior or coding solutions specific to HaaS.

Innovative Ideas and Brainstorming: Introducing new ideas or building upon existing ones within the HaaS context, like proposing new methods for agent coordination or discussing the integration of emerging AI technologies.

Project Updates and Announcements: Important updates related to HaaS's progress, new features, or significant changes, like announcing a new version or detailing recent enhancements.

Constructive Feedback: Insightful feedback on HaaS, including constructive criticism, improvement suggestions, or potential issue identifications.

Knowledge Sharing: Sharing valuable information, guides, or documentation related to HaaS, such as explaining part of its architecture or contributing a how-to guide for new contributors.


Noise consists of posts that are off-topic, repetitive, or non-constructive in the context of HaaS. Examples include:

Off-Topic Discussions: Conversations unrelated to HaaS's scope, such as discussing unrelated technologies or personal matters not pertinent to the project.

Repeated Queries: Questions already answered or extensively discussed, like repeatedly asking for information that is available in HaaS documentation.

Non-Constructive Criticism: Criticisms lacking constructive feedback or solution suggestions, merely complaining about a feature without offering improvement ideas.

Spam and Self-Promotion: Posts that are purely promotional or irrelevant to HaaS, including advertisements or self-promotional content unrelated to the project’s goals.

Irrelevant Technical Discussions: Technical discussions not related to HaaS, even if technically interesting, such as in-depth talks about unrelated technologies or tools not used in HaaS.

By clearly distinguishing between signal and noise, the HaaS community can maintain a focused, productive, and enriching discussion environment that aligns with the project's objectives and enhances its development.

Effectively and respectfully managing noise in the HaaS project discussions is crucial for maintaining a constructive and focused environment. Here are methods to divert noise, along with examples:

1. Clear Communication of Guidelines

2. Directing to Relevant Resources

3. Creating a Dedicated Space for Off-Topic Discussions

4. Private Messaging for Personalized Guidance

5. Moderation and Gentle Reminders

6. Encouraging Community Self-Moderation

7. Utilizing Reporting and Feedback Mechanisms

8. Educational Approach to Non-Constructive Criticism

By employing these methods, the HaaS community can effectively and respectfully manage noise, ensuring discussions remain valuable, relevant, and conducive to the project’s progress.

Moderation and Organization

Implement Moderation Plan:

Promoting Key Discussions

  1. Highlight Primary Topics:

    • Use pinned posts or featured threads for important discussions.

    • Regularly rotate featured discussions to keep the community engaged.


Regular Review and Adaptation

  1. Continual Review and Adaptation:

Measuring Success

1. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs):

2. Simplified Noise Reduction Check:

3. Periodic Community Feedback:

4. Automated Alerts for Critical Metrics:

5. Regular, Brief Check-ins:

By focusing on these streamlined methods, you can effectively gauge the health and success of the HaaS project discussions without it becoming a time-consuming task. This approach balances the need for insight with the practicality of your team's time and resources.

By meticulously following this plan, the Discussions tab here can be transformed into a more organized, engaging, and productive space, aligned with the project's goals and community needs.

Let's do this.

daveshap commented 8 months ago

I think I'll keep onto this for now