davesteele / comitup

Bootstrap Wifi support over Wifi
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Debian buster repo version doesn't work on Raspberry Pi #102

Closed schweini closed 4 years ago

schweini commented 4 years ago

On Buster on a Rapi3, the official repo version fails to bring up a hotspot (windows just show a ;hidden network'). The updated version from your repo works fine, though.

I'd recommend updating the debian repo version, because it is quite a PITA that it leaves the RaPi in a disconnected state, which is a nuisance if it is headless (like mine was).

davesteele commented 4 years ago

Buster is Debian's current stable release. It's non-trivial to get changes into that version in a way that is generally visible to users.

The Comitup Image is a Raspbian Buster Spin with a current version of comitup installed. It is the recommended path to working with Comitup. The home page also points to how to get the latest package installed.

I've updated the home page to make this clearer.

schweini commented 4 years ago

Thank you for the changes! Although - if I am not the only one who gets a inaccessible system upon installing comitup on Buster - I personally would phrase it a bit stronger than a "recommendation".

(but then again, I'm just bitter because I didn't have a fitting monitor at hand to connect to the RasPi)

Thanks for the very useful software, anyhow!