davesteele / comitup

Bootstrap Wifi support over Wifi
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Issues with Captive portal #139

Closed Adrianni closed 3 years ago

Adrianni commented 3 years ago

Hey Dave,

Awesome project!

I'm experiencing some issues with the captive portal and my android phone. Google chrome is not supporting the .local url, and i have to use the ip adress Would it be possible to enable a redirect of all url into this ip-adress while connected to the hotspot? That would mean that if i for example try to visit any website, i will end up to the correct ip-address. That would solve this issue for many users i guess.

Again, great work!


davesteele commented 3 years ago

That redirect is in place, but it only works for http requests, not https.

Adrianni commented 3 years ago

Thanks for your fast reply. Ok. So then I am experiencing some issued with comitup. I just tried with another unit (iPad) as well. Did not redirect, even if I forced http (not s).

The main issue is actually that the captive portal does not seem to work. I have never had problems with connecting to new wifi and entering captive portal before.

davesteele commented 3 years ago

Are you using the Comitup image, or did you install the package? The image is preferred.

If you installed the package, did you consider the install issues from the Wiki?

Did you check the logs per 'systemctl status comitup', or /var/log/comitup.log or /var/log/comitup-web.log?

For your issue, the things to check are the status of dnsmasq and comitup-web (though, from what you say, comitup-web looks to be running OK). Make sure the active dnsmasq is the one using dns-hotspot.conf.

I just tested the latest image (https://steele.debian.net/comitup/image_2021-02-11b-Comitup-lite.zip, running Comitup 1.15-1) with my Android phone. The captive portal worked fine.

Adrianni commented 3 years ago

Thank you. This solved the problem.

The version available from apt-get was out of date (v. 1.3). The newer version 1.15 fixed the issue with the captive portal.