davesteele / comitup

Bootstrap Wifi support over Wifi
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Any inbuilt way to change the hostname to the comitup-<nn> variable? #146

Closed revantjhalani closed 3 years ago

revantjhalani commented 3 years ago

If there are multiple comitup devices on the same network, there's bound to be hostname conflicts. Is there any inbuilt way to also change the hostname to the comitup- variable?

davesteele commented 3 years ago

if you are up to date, it is <nnn>. There is a .1% of 2 hosts having the same name. Also, look at the comitup.conf file.

revantjhalani commented 3 years ago

The conf only specifies how to add the hostname in the ssid, what I'd like to do is the opposite. I'd like to add the number as a suffix to the hostname. Also, I don't understand how the possibility of two devices having the same hostname is .1%? For instance, the prebuilt image you deliver has a default hostname of raspberrypi, if I were to flash 2 pis with that image and then connect them to the same network, won't there be a hostname problem right then

davesteele commented 3 years ago

True, but they also advertise on mdns as comitup-<nnn>.local.

There is automatic deconfliction with the "raspberrypi" name (on mdns). I have "raspberrypi" and "raspberrypi-2" on my network now. I've not looked into how that is managed.

This would be a decent addition to the Comitup Image. The package, though, should not be changing hostnames.

davesteele commented 3 years ago

The latest comitup image sets the hostname to the AP name on first boot.

revantjhalani commented 3 years ago

In the new image, I keep running across the error "unable to resolve host comitup-931: Name or service not known" while invoking any system commands. I haven't had a chance to look at the hosts and hostname files, I'll try to recreate the issue in a while, but thought that this could just be the behavior at the first system startup since you're now changing the hostname at runtime. Is that the case?

davesteele commented 3 years ago

I haven't seen this.

minutmorph commented 3 years ago

Hi David - first of all thank you for this project - it has become my starting point for every project recently! I have also been receiving this issue on the new image too (2021-03-17) - I am able to recreate it when running anything preceded with sudo.

eg. on first boot - my first action is to update the ap_name variable in /etc/comitup.conf (to "product-") and change the hostname to "device-$MACADDRESS" (for the exact reason mentioned above - to prevent conflict). Both actions require sudo, and doing this programmatically is difficult now on the new image. The line below gets the wlan0 mac address as a string and sets the hostname

# Change hostname to device-$MACADDRESS
pi@comitup-591:~ $ sudo hostname device-$(cat /sys/class/net/wlan0/address | sed -e 's/://g')
sudo: unable to resolve host comitup-591: Name or service not known

A quick google found me here: https://www.globo.tech/learning-center/sudo-unable-to-resolve-host-explained/

And the apparent solution is to include a loopback in /etc/hosts to the given hostname ie.             mynewhostname

I also found a way to change the /etc/hosts file programmatically - here's the full bash script below


# Set Hostname
echo "Setting hostname..."
NEWHOSTNAME=$(cat /sys/class/net/wlan0/address | sed -e 's/://g')
sudo hostname device-$NEWHOSTNAME

# Add loopback to /etc/hosts file
echo "Adding loopback to /etc/hosts file..."
echo "               device-$NEWHOSTNAME" | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts

Some notable strange behaviour that might be related:

  1. When in AP mode - you can't even achieve changing the /etc/hosts file - sudo will not resolve, however, when connected to a host network, sudo has the same warnings but manages to update the file, seemingly fixing the problem!
  2. The hostname always reverts back to the original session "comitup-" hostname - even if the new config specifies the ap_name to be device- and the hostname was changed before.
  3. the ap_name variables such as and don't appear to work - I'm not sure if this is related or is a separate issue.... the AP simply displays as if and are strings rather than variables

I hope this helps.

Possibly related: Is there a way to force a new session variable programmatically? on every boot or trigger it on next boot perhaps... So a custom image can be provisioned knowing each device on first boot will not have the same initial session. This will also help with testing

davesteele commented 3 years ago

The persistent random number is stored in /var/lib/comitup/comitup.json. If it is set before comitup runs, it will not be overwritten.

The service that sets the host name runs exactly once, then self-deletes. In general, I don't want Comitup messing with hostnames.

The new ap_name variables currently require an "apt-get upgrade" to come alive.

davesteele commented 3 years ago

And the apparent solution is to include a loopback in /etc/hosts to the given hostname

A disk image with this change is uploading now.