I am trying to run my test case but getting this error =>
( throw new Error('[Vuex Pathify] Unexpected condition: this.$store is undefined.\n\nThis is a known edge case with some setups and will cause future lookups to fail')
Error: [Vuex Pathify] Unexpected condition: this.$store is undefined.)
this is my test Setup
import {
} from '@vue/test-utils'
import VueRouter from 'vue-router'
import mockRouter from './mockRouter'
import infiniteScroll from 'vue-infinite-scroll'
import Vuex from 'vuex'
import store from '../../src/state/index'
import '@/fontawesome'
import { i18n } from '@/i18n'
const router = mockRouter.mock()
global.wrap = (Component, options) => {
const localVue = createLocalVue()
const wrapper = shallowMount(Component, {
return wrapper
this is my test
`import { shallowMount } from '@vue/test-utils'
import UpdateStatusModal from '../CircleMenu/UpdateStatusModal.vue'
I am trying to run my test case but getting this error
( throw new Error('[Vuex Pathify] Unexpected condition: this.$store is undefined.\n\nThis is a known edge case with some setups and will cause future lookups to fail') ^ Error: [Vuex Pathify] Unexpected condition: this.$store is undefined.)
this is my test Setup
this is my test `import { shallowMount } from '@vue/test-utils'
import UpdateStatusModal from '../CircleMenu/UpdateStatusModal.vue'
describe('UpdateStatusModal', () => { it('should filter status codes for WORK', () => { const statusCodes = [ { Value: 'OPEN', text: 'Open' }, { Value: 'HOLD', text: 'Hold' }, { Value: 'CLOSE', text: 'Close' }, { Value: 'WORK', text: 'Work' }, { Value: 'RESOLVED', text: 'Resolved' } ]
it('should filter status codes for RESOLVED', () => { const statusCodes = [ { Value: 'OPEN', text: 'Open' }, { Value: 'HOLD', text: 'Hold' }, { Value: 'CLOSE', text: 'Close' }, { Value: 'WORK', text: 'Work' }, { Value: 'RESOLVED', text: 'Resolved' } ]
it('should return all status codes by default', () => { const statusCodes = [ { Value: 'OPEN', text: 'Open' }, { Value: 'HOLD', text: 'Hold' }, { Value: 'CLOSE', text: 'Close' }, { Value: 'WORK', text: 'Work' }, { Value: 'RESOLVED', text: 'Resolved' } ]
}) }) ` and this is my Component
Are you sure that you want to close this incident?
Closing an incident will remove it from the incidents list.
` kindly help me regarding this issue.