davetcc / tcMenu

Menu library for Arduino, mbed and ESP with designer UI and remote control capabilities.
Apache License 2.0
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Make at least thecoderscorner products website opensource #246

Closed davetcc closed 1 year ago

davetcc commented 1 year ago

This has come up a few times now, and people would like to be able to contribute to the repo. I see no reason not to make at least the products section (containing the library and app docs) open source, just need to give a bit of thought to the mechanics of that and how it would work. In the simplest case, it would just need a run of Hugo on the server once merged.

vzahradnik commented 1 year ago

Just ping me if you need any help with that. I used to run my blog site via GitHub pages which was automatically built using GitHub Actions.

As for inspiration, Home Assistant guys have a quite good system.

A very good first step would be to separate your documentation into a separate repository.


davetcc commented 1 year ago

So at the moment, the plan of action is:

vzahradnik commented 1 year ago

I work with your nightly code, so count me in. By the way, was there any significant change in TagVal protocol? I'm asking because of the Python version I work on.

davetcc commented 1 year ago

I think the only recent change is to send checkbox for Boolean items.

davetcc commented 1 year ago

Phase 1 - https://github.com/davetcc/arduino-libraries the libraries are separated out from the main site and pulled in using a git submodule in the private build.

davetcc commented 1 year ago

Phase 2 will be a minimal hugo project that can allow for running up the site and looking at it before committing.

davetcc commented 1 year ago

A new build of the webserver (was overdue for a while) http://betatest.thecoderscorner.com/ is running, it is built from the hybrid site. I've no idea why those adverts are on the front page, ads are supposed to be turned off..

davetcc commented 1 year ago

The site based on the open source arduino-libraries repo below is now live, there are a few issues to iron out here.

At the moment I have literally just broken out a part of the larger Hugo site, which means that the images and theme areas are not available. However, this at least allows people to start editing the documentation, and in a second iteration, if a lot of people start editing, we can discuss how to fully separate that documentation into a complete Hugo build or some other build that is entirely self-contained.

Repo containing all Arduino library documentation: https://github.com/davetcc/arduino-libraries