davewx7 / citadel

A turn based strategy game based on the Anura engine
98 stars 25 forks source link

Game crashes on start with D-Bus error #115

Open HarryMichal opened 6 years ago

HarryMichal commented 6 years ago

Just tried to open AA for the first time but after I unzipped the game and ran the run.sh script I just got this:

./run.sh -x
INFO: main.cpp:467 : Anura engine version 1.4
INFO: main.cpp:506 : Default Tile Size: 16
INFO: main.cpp:507 : Default Tile Scale: 2
INFO: main.cpp:509 : Build Options:
INFO: main.cpp:511 :     isomap
INFO: main.cpp:511 :     lua
INFO: main.cpp:511 :     save_png
INFO: main.cpp:511 :     sdl2
INFO: main.cpp:511 :     svg
INFO: preferences.cpp:583 : SET PREFERENCES PATH: ~/.citadel/
INFO: preferences.cpp:583 : SET PREFERENCES PATH: ~/.citadel/
INFO: main.cpp:612 : ARGS: --module=citadel
INFO: main.cpp:612 : ARGS: --utility=update_launcher
INFO: preferences.cpp:637 : EXPAND DATA PATHS
INFO: main.cpp:746 : Preferences dir: /home/harry/.citadel/
INFO: module.cpp:1172 : Requesting module 'citadel'
INFO: http_client.cpp:65 : http_client::send_request(this = 0x3869040 @0 method_path = GET /module_data/citadel request.size() = 0 num_retries = 0 attempt_num = 1)

INFO: module.cpp:1172 : Requesting module 'anura_linux'
INFO: http_client.cpp:65 : http_client::send_request(this = 0x387a000 @0 method_path = GET /module_data/anura_linux request.size() = 0 num_retries = 0 attempt_num = 1)

INFO: auto_update_window.cpp:570 : Requesting update to module from server...
dbus[5307]: arguments to dbus_type_is_basic() were incorrect, assertion "dbus_type_is_valid (typecode) || typecode == DBUS_TYPE_INVALID" failed in file ../../dbus/dbus-signature.c line 323.
This is normally a bug in some application using the D-Bus library.

  D-Bus not built with -rdynamic so unable to print a backtrace
./run.sh: line 8:  5307 Aborted                 (core dumped) LIBGL_DRI3_DISABLE=1 LD_LIBRARY_PATH=./bin/:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH ./bin/anura --module=citadel --utility=update_launcher --update-module=true --update-anura=true --anura=anura_linux --anura-exe=./anura.sh --args --module=citadel $@

Also tried with sudo but still crashes

sudo ./run.sh -x
INFO: main.cpp:467 : Anura engine version 1.4
INFO: main.cpp:506 : Default Tile Size: 16
INFO: main.cpp:507 : Default Tile Scale: 2
INFO: main.cpp:509 : Build Options:
INFO: main.cpp:511 :     isomap
INFO: main.cpp:511 :     lua
INFO: main.cpp:511 :     save_png
INFO: main.cpp:511 :     sdl2
INFO: main.cpp:511 :     svg
INFO: preferences.cpp:583 : SET PREFERENCES PATH: ~/.citadel/
INFO: preferences.cpp:583 : SET PREFERENCES PATH: ~/.citadel/
INFO: main.cpp:612 : ARGS: --module=citadel
INFO: main.cpp:612 : ARGS: --utility=update_launcher
INFO: preferences.cpp:637 : EXPAND DATA PATHS
INFO: main.cpp:746 : Preferences dir: /root/.citadel/
INFO: module.cpp:1172 : Requesting module 'citadel'
INFO: http_client.cpp:65 : http_client::send_request(this = 0x2a89040 @0 method_path = GET /module_data/citadel request.size() = 0 num_retries = 0 attempt_num = 1)

INFO: module.cpp:1172 : Requesting module 'anura_linux'
INFO: http_client.cpp:65 : http_client::send_request(this = 0x2a99fe0 @0 method_path = GET /module_data/anura_linux request.size() = 0 num_retries = 0 attempt_num = 1)

INFO: auto_update_window.cpp:570 : Requesting update to module from server...
No protocol specified
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'SDL::init_error'
  what():  Unable to initialize SDL: No available video device

./run.sh: line 8:  5402 Aborted                 (core dumped) LIBGL_DRI3_DISABLE=1 LD_LIBRARY_PATH=./bin/:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH ./bin/anura --module=citadel --utility=update_launcher --update-module=true --update-anura=true --anura=anura_linux --anura-exe=./anura.sh --args --module=citadel $@
sudo ./run.sh -x
[sudo] password for harry: 
INFO: main.cpp:467 : Anura engine version 1.4
INFO: main.cpp:506 : Default Tile Size: 16
INFO: main.cpp:507 : Default Tile Scale: 2
INFO: main.cpp:509 : Build Options:
INFO: main.cpp:511 :     isomap
INFO: main.cpp:511 :     lua
INFO: main.cpp:511 :     save_png
INFO: main.cpp:511 :     sdl2
INFO: main.cpp:511 :     svg
INFO: preferences.cpp:583 : SET PREFERENCES PATH: ~/.citadel/
INFO: preferences.cpp:583 : SET PREFERENCES PATH: ~/.citadel/
INFO: main.cpp:612 : ARGS: --module=citadel
INFO: main.cpp:612 : ARGS: --utility=update_launcher
INFO: preferences.cpp:637 : EXPAND DATA PATHS
INFO: main.cpp:746 : Preferences dir: /root/.citadel/
INFO: module.cpp:1172 : Requesting module 'citadel'
INFO: http_client.cpp:65 : http_client::send_request(this = 0x2a89040 @0 method_path = GET /module_data/citadel request.size() = 0 num_retries = 0 attempt_num = 1)

INFO: module.cpp:1172 : Requesting module 'anura_linux'
INFO: http_client.cpp:65 : http_client::send_request(this = 0x2a99fe0 @0 method_path = GET /module_data/anura_linux request.size() = 0 num_retries = 0 attempt_num = 1)

INFO: auto_update_window.cpp:570 : Requesting update to module from server...
No protocol specified
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'SDL::init_error'
  what():  Unable to initialize SDL: No available video device

./run.sh: line 8:  5402 Aborted                 (core dumped) LIBGL_DRI3_DISABLE=1 LD_LIBRARY_PATH=./bin/:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH ./bin/anura --module=citadel --utility=update_launcher --update-module=true --update-anura=true --anura=anura_linux --anura-exe=./anura.sh --args --module=citadel $@