davewx7 / citadel

A turn based strategy game based on the Anura engine
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Alt+Tab on Ubuntu 17.10 #126

Closed Ads20000 closed 6 years ago

Ads20000 commented 6 years ago

Alt+Tab on Ubuntu 17.10 (with Ubuntu's modified GNOME session on Wayland) doesn't work. It leaves a bar at the top showing the desktop background and clicking results in clicking the part of the UI a few pixels below the actual mouse cursor.

screenshot from 2017-10-22 22-42-14

davewx7 commented 6 years ago

If you run the game with --fullscreen-exclusive does that modify things at all?

Ads20000 commented 6 years ago

0AD doesn't work with Alt+Tab either (well, the unofficial snap doesn't) so may be a wider issue (probably with games in general and Wayland)... Civ V, Portal, DotA 2 don't work, Undertale does

sh run.sh --fullscreen-exclusive yields ERROR: main.cpp:698 : unrecognized arg: '--fullscreen-exclusive

Ads20000 commented 6 years ago

Scratch that - Alt + Tab doesn't work for these games on X11 either.

This is a bug in GNOME 3.26, see here for the GNOME bug and see here for progress for fixing the bug in Ubuntu 17.10 and 18.04.

Ads20000 commented 6 years ago

The workaround for now is to go to AA's settings and uncheck fullscreen, then restart the game.