davewx7 / citadel

A turn based strategy game based on the Anura engine
98 stars 25 forks source link

Incorrect animation location for redirected spells #137

Closed jollki closed 6 years ago

jollki commented 6 years ago

Spells that are redirected by Eji's Cunning play their animations over the old target instead of the new one. In multiplayer matches this only affects the player who cast the original spell, not the player who cast the redirect.

Here's a test-case to demonstrate. Just cast the spells and watch where the animations play.


    name: 'ejis-animation',

text: '',
set: 'core',
avatar: 'eji-the-summoner.png',
portrait: 'eji-the-summoner.png',
portrait_scale: 0.2,
portrait_translate: [0,0],
enemy_name: 'Eji',
skip_mulligan: true,
player_deck: ['Knife in the Dark','Fireball','Obliterate'],
setup_commands: "map(players, set(value.base_income, 100)) + map(players, set(value.resources, 100))",
bot_args: {
    deck: "[string] :: [q(Eji's Cunning)]*20",

starting_units: [

  { card_name: 'Skeleton',
    loc: [1,0],
    controller: 0,

    card_name: 'Wraith',
    loc: [2,0],
    controller: 0,

    card_name: 'Ilz Apprentice',
    loc: [2,4],
    controller: 1,

  card_name: 'Skeleton',
  loc: [3,0],
  controller: 0,

davewx7 commented 6 years ago

Fixed. Thank you for the test case!