davgr686 / Automatic-Title-Generator

ATG for news articles using Spacy, TF-IDF scores, constituency parse tree trimming
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code inquiry #1

Open HHHMiao opened 1 year ago

HHHMiao commented 1 year ago

@davgr686 Recently I came across your paper titled "Extracting Salient Named Entities from Financial News Articles". I found your research to be very relevant to my own work which inspire me a lot. I would like to know if it is possible to obtain the code and datasets used for the project described in your paper. I am interested in replicating your results and expanding upon your work, and having access to your code would be immensely helpful.Any insights or information you could provide would be greatly appreciated.

HHHMiao commented 1 year ago

@davgr686 Looking forward to receiving your reply😁