davibe / Phonegap-SQLitePlugin

A phonegap plugin to open and use sqlite databases on iOS.
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You should be able to set database file used (Lawnchair adapter) #1

Closed vojto closed 12 years ago

vojto commented 12 years ago

In some cases, it's convenient to use one database file per table, as in current implementation.

But a typical SQLite application would open one database file, and create multiple tables in it.

Such behavior is not currently possible, but could be easily added, since it is possible to pass options to Lawnchair constructor and these options are then forwarded to the adapter. There could be an option called db or database that would be used to set name for database file.

Is there any reason for creating database files one per table?

If not, I will send you a pull request.

davibe commented 12 years ago

There is no reason and I would prefer to use one single database so yes, open a pull request :)