davibe / Phonegap-SQLitePlugin

A phonegap plugin to open and use sqlite databases on iOS.
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Patching Phone-SQLitePlugin to store and retrieve JSON #22

Closed ns-1m closed 12 years ago

ns-1m commented 12 years ago

Since most of time, we are dealing with JSON and AJAX in mobile devices especially using jQuery web framework (i.e JQTouch, jQuery Mobile), why don't we just patch Phone-SQLitePlugin to store and retrieve JSON,

jQuery.getJSON() http://api.jquery.com/jQuery.getJSON/


Store (from the forum)

  // GOOD example
  // assumes myobject and myconn already exist
     var json_text:String = JSON.encode(myobject);
     var stmt:SQLStatement = new SQLStatement();
     stmt.sqlConnection = myconn;
     stmt.text = "INSERT INTO test VALUES (:bar)";
     stmt.parameters[':bar'] = json_text;

Here is the source code for SQLite3JSON

http://www.ch-werner.de/sqliteodbc/sqlite3json.tgz http://groups.google.com/group/spatialite-users/browse_thread/thread/7e513080d621554d


Is this means?, e.g. ( I need help here :-)

var text = SQL;
SQL =  SELECT * from ....
var JSON_outuput = sqltie3json("my_sqlite3_database", SQL); // I need help here to interpret the function properly

What we need is the javascript for this function i.e. int sqlite3json(sqlite3 db, const char sql, putfunc pfunc, void arg);

Sqile3json.h and sqile3json.m (i.e. sqlite3json.c) can be added to the PGSQLPlug,m and *.h without a problem.

Another discussion on SQLite to JSON http://www.nimblekit.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2668

From the above forum.

   function json2DB (data) {
           var jsonData = eval("(" + data+ ")");   
        for (i = 1; i < 4; i++) {
        query = "INSERT INTO item (category,title,subtitle,image,right_image,js) VALUES('1','" + jsonData[i].name + "','" + jsonData[i].program_id + "','image12.png','1','')";

        //NKAlert("Test", query); this shows the query. checked it with sqlite manager and the sql is correct

I like to hear opinions and ideas.



davibe commented 12 years ago

See lawnchair adapter

Davide Bertola (from iPhone)

Il giorno 25/mar/2012, alle ore 06:52, Noli Sicad reply@reply.github.com ha scritto:

Since most of time, we are dealing with JSON and AJAX in mobile devices, why don't we just patch Phone-SQLitePlugin to store and retrieve JSON,


Here a bit of the code from the blackberry forum

// GOOD example // assumes myobject and myconn already exist var json_text:String = JSON.encode(myobject); var stmt:SQLStatement = new SQLStatement(); stmt.sqlConnection = myconn; stmt.text = "INSERT INTO test VALUES (:bar)"; stmt.parameters[':bar'] = json_text; stmt.execute();

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub: https://github.com/davibe/Phonegap-SQLitePlugin/issues/22

ns-1m commented 12 years ago

I want to use CRUD SQL commands rather use SQLite3 as storage.

Probably store is bad idea, I agree Lawnchair is better for storing JSON in this case. In rather use Insert into table then, I can retreive using SQL command (i.e Select command).

However, I think getting result using Select statement to get JSON array is a good idea.

My objective is to use my app for field data collection, hence, I need to use the database e.g. my_sqlite3.sqlite in the desktop as well, so lawnchair is the way to go for data portability.


ns-1m commented 12 years ago

This is very complicated topic. We just wait until UnQL.