davibe / next.js-example-with-global-stylesheet

Next.js example for including a global stylesheet with HMR
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Doesn't work with latest styled-jsx #8

Open Yuripetusko opened 7 years ago

Yuripetusko commented 7 years ago


It doesn't seems to work with latest code in styled-jsx master branch which allows for external files


i guess they probably do some kind of babel transpiling of files on the fly of their own? this is kind of string I get when trying to import file with latest styled-jsx: screenshot 2017-05-24 01 07 38

davibe commented 7 years ago

Unfortunately I am not working on this kind of stuff (web) anymore so i am afraid i won't be able to help much, at least not until I will be back on a web project. Sorry

tgoldenberg commented 7 years ago

Really too bad, since I was loving using scss with Next.js. Since the security update, I have to upgrade 2.4.1, and can't figure out how to fix the scss loading. Hope that someone is able to come along and adapt the solution.

tgoldenberg commented 7 years ago

Logged my fix here @Yuripetusko

tgoldenberg commented 7 years ago

Actually, getting the same error again. Unsure what the issue is.

tgoldenberg commented 7 years ago

@Yuripetusko, have you found any solution?

Yuripetusko commented 7 years ago

@tgoldenberg yes we did, not sure what exactly helped us exactly. This is content of next.config.js

        test: /\.(css|styl)/,
        loader: 'emit-file-loader',
        options: {
          name: 'dist/[path][name].[ext]',
        test: /\.css$/,
        use: [
        test: /\.styl$/,
        use: [
            loader: 'stylus-loader',
            options: {
              sourceMap: false,
              includePaths: ['styles', 'node_modules', 'components']
                .map(d => path.join(__dirname, d))
                .map(g => glob.sync(g))
                .reduce((a, c) => a.concat(c), []),

This is content of babelrc:

"presets": ["next/babel"],
      "plugins": [
          "module-resolver", {
            "root": ["."],
            "alias": {
              "styles": "./styles",
              "components": "./components",
              "generic": "./components/generic",
              "svg": "./components/svg",
              "lib": "./lib"
            "cwd": "babelrc"
            "extensions": ["css$", "styl$"]

And here's postcss.config.js

module.exports = {
  plugins: [
    require('postcss-easy-import')({ prefix: '_' }), // keep this first
        /* ...options */
      preset: 'default',

And we import files like so:

import ComponentStyles from './checklist-tool-header.styl';
<style jsx>{ComponentStyles}</style>

or sometimes

<style jsx global>{ComponentStyles}</style>
Yuripetusko commented 7 years ago

"next": "3.0.0-beta10",

tgoldenberg commented 7 years ago

@Yuripetusko were you able to get postcss-loader to work as well? Seems that your setup works except with postcss-loader

dvakatsiienko commented 7 years ago

Hello, guys! @Yuripetusko @tgoldenberg noticed that you came up with a solution how to make work next.js with scss in a good way! Your solution looks really awesome! this is exactly what I'm trying to setup. I see some configs commented by @Yuripetusko but they include some files that are not highlighted here, like ./scripts/env-config.js, in .babelrc for example. Could you please share a basic full example how to make this work?

ilionic commented 7 years ago

@dvakatsiienko env-config not related to styles setup so you could ignore it. ( just defining some app config globals)