davicotico / jQuery-Menu-Editor

Multilevel Menu Editor for Bootstrap 4.x (Html & Javascript code)
MIT License
191 stars 86 forks source link

Broken with Bootstrap5 #26

Open MarksEliel opened 3 years ago

MarksEliel commented 3 years ago

When do you intend to release an update compatible with bootstrap 5?

glutamate commented 2 years ago

I made this work with bootstrap 5 @MarksEliel @davicotico. The only problem I saw was the icon picker not displaying its pop up in the right place. To fix this, change this line:

var tip = ($.fn.bsVersion() === '3.x') ? el.tip() : $(el.getTipElement())



                              var tip = ($.fn.bsVersion() === '3.x') ? el.tip() 
                                      : ($.fn.bsVersion() === '5.x') 
                                      ? $(bootstrap.Popover.getInstance($this).getTipElement())
                                      : $(el.getTipElement())

This was helpful: https://github.com/itsjavi/bootstrap-colorpicker/issues/327#issuecomment-843082927

Is anyone able to recreate the minified js file? It's not very important to me, so I will just serve the modified un-minified file for now

glutamate commented 2 years ago

you should also change the float-right class in TButtonGroup to float-end

InsiteFX commented 8 months ago

None of this is working in Bootstrap 5.3.2

Hope this gets fixed soon.

davicotico commented 8 months ago

Hi @InsiteFX , @glutamate , @MarksEliel
You can try Vanilla Javascript Menu Editor. I have worked on and will continue to work on Vanilla Javascript Menu Editor. jQuery Menu Editor is not deprecated, but for now, I have no plans to update it