david-allison / manx-corpus-search

MIT License
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CI publish fails #185

Open david-allison opened 3 months ago

david-allison commented 3 months ago

See: https://github.com/david-allison/manx-corpus-search/actions/workflows/publish.yml

Improve, or replace with CI from https://github.com/david-allison/manx-search-data/actions/workflows/publish.yml

lauterb commented 3 months ago


david-allison commented 3 months ago

I don't typically publish here. manx-search-data publishes daily (which also includes app code)

lauterb commented 3 months ago

Maybe I can look later

lauterb commented 3 months ago

Did you have to fix manually?

david-allison commented 3 months ago

Everything is defined in the repo, but maybe one for me

It's not high priority now we know


david-allison commented 3 months ago

Disabled for now: https://github.com/david-allison/manx-corpus-search/actions/workflows/publish.yml