david-barnett / microViz

R package for microbiome data visualization and statistics. Uses phyloseq, vegan and the tidyverse. Docker image available.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Statement of need #26

Closed marypiper closed 3 years ago

marypiper commented 3 years ago

Hi David,

Upon reading through your statement of need, I had some questions. I went by each statement to examine the novelty added by your tool, and maybe you can comment on these:

david-barnett commented 3 years ago

Hi Mary

I have updated the manuscript draft to clarify what it is that microViz does, regarding ordination creation and plotting, that is not readily available via phyloseq or microbiome. Thanks for prompting me to make these clarifications.

I have included the relevant excerpt from the updated manuscript at the bottom of this post, and tried to add some further context as responses for each of your points too.

Per point responses

Updated manuscript excerpt

Ordination methods like Principle Coordinates/Components Analyses (PCoA/PCA) are a staple method in microbiome research. The vegan R package implements the majority of distance and ordination calculation methods and microViz makes available two further dissimilarity measures: Generalized UniFrac from the GUniFrac package, and the Aitchison distance. The former provides a balanced intermediate between unweighted and weighted UniFrac [chen_2012], and the latter is a distance measure designed for use with compositional data, such as sequencing read counts [gloor_2017].

The phyloseq R package provides an interface for producing ordination plots, with the ggplot2 R package. microViz streamlines the computation and presentation of ordination methods including the constrained analyses: redundancy analysis (RDA), distance-based RDA, partial RDA, and canonical correspondence analysis (CCA). microViz can generate highly customizable ggplot2 bi-plots and tri-plots, showing labelled arrows for microbial loadings and constraint variables when applicable. Furthermore, these figures are captioned automatically, by default. The captions are intended to promote better reporting of ordination methods in published research, where too often insufficient information is given to reproduce the ordination plot. To provide the automated captioning, microViz implements a simple S3 list class, ps_extra, for provenance tracking, by storing distance matrices and ordination objects alongside the phyloseq object they were created from, as well as relevant taxonomic aggregation and transformation information.

Moreover, microViz provides a Shiny app interface that allows the user to interactively create and explore ordination plots directly from phyloseq objects. The Shiny app generates code that can be copy-pasted into a script to reproduce the interactively designed ordination plot. The user can click and drag on the interactive ordination plot to select samples and directly examine their taxonomic compositions on a customizable stacked bar chart with a clear colour scheme.