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FF-110 irregular cycles #169

Closed ZwergNaseXXL closed 2 years ago

ZwergNaseXXL commented 2 years ago

I just noticed that FF-110 is not a perfect binary counter but instead has some irregular cycles. It seems to be missing the occasional edge trigger. I haven't checked the other FF modules, but I guess they might have a similar issue. See screenshot:


Petervos2018 commented 2 years ago

Maybe use a unipolar clock, sm clock out from Befaco is "bipolar" ?!


david-c14 commented 2 years ago

Have you configure the voltage range of the FF-110 to match the befaco output? It doesn't look like it from the LA-108 traces

ZwergNaseXXL commented 2 years ago

Sorry for the late response. You're right, either switching off SM's "remove DC offset" (which makes it unipolar 0-10V) or adjusting FF's input range make it work as expected.

I guess the reason for sometimes triggering and sometimes not is this: Your modules are triggering at half the input range (mentioned somewhere in your manuals), which is 5V in this case, which is also the peak value of SM. But SM uses minBLEP to generate its signal, so it has some overshoot, which often (but not always) is enough to trigger the flip-flops.