Here is a not minimal snippet and we can see the that the configuration is not taken the same way in the different rules:
#figure(caption:"LF Type system")[
#set text(size: 15pt)
#let config = prooftrees.tree_config(premises_spacing: 10pt, vertical_spacing:5pt)
#rect(stroke:blue, inset:10pt, radius:8pt)[
prooftrees.uni[$emptyset tack "Type" : "Kind"$]
prooftrees.axi[$Gamma tack t : A$],
prooftrees.axi[$Gamma tack B : "Type"$],
prooftrees.bin[$Gamma, x : B tack t : A$]
prooftrees.axi[$Gamma tack A : "Type"$],
prooftrees.axi[$Gamma tack B : "Type"$],
prooftrees.bin[$Gamma tack Pi (x : A) arrow B : "Type" $]
prooftrees.axi[$Gamma tack A : "Type"$],
prooftrees.axi[$Gamma tack B : "Kind"$],
prooftrees.bin[$Gamma tack Pi (x : A) arrow B : "Kind" $]
prooftrees.axi[$Gamma, x : A tack t : B$],
prooftrees.axi[$Gamma tack Pi (x : A) arrow B : s$],
prooftrees.bin[$Gamma tack lambda (x : A), t : Pi (x : A) arrow B$]
prooftrees.axi[$Gamma tack f : Pi (x : A) arrow B$],
prooftrees.axi[$Gamma tack a : A$],
prooftrees.bin[$Gamma tack f a : B{x arrow.l a}$]
prooftrees.axi[$Gamma tack t : A$],
prooftrees.axi[$Gamma tack B : s$],
prooftrees.axi[$Gamma tack A attach(=, br:beta) B $],
prooftrees.tri[$Gamma tack Pi (x : A) arrow B : "Kind" $]
Here is a not minimal snippet and we can see the that the configuration is not taken the same way in the different rules: