david-kariuki / vmware-host-modules-builder-cli

This shell script downloads, builds and installs Vmware host modules for your Linux Vmware.
MIT License
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Adding linux-headers as dependent packages #6

Closed blueflidge closed 1 year ago

blueflidge commented 2 years ago

Sometimes I miss installing correct linux-headers prior running your wonderful script. Maybe you could a them as dependent packages? e.g. something like that for Debian

kernelversiononly=$(uname -r) && apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r) linux-headers-${kernelversiononly::-5}common -y

I know its not the best way, but simple und working.

Kind regards

david-kariuki commented 2 years ago

Hello, I will look into this. What Linux distro are you using?

blueflidge commented 1 year ago

Debian Unstable

david-kariuki commented 1 year ago

I have updated the code to reflect your suggestion. Thank you for this