david-risney / WebView2Utilities

WebView2Utilities helps you develop and debug Microsoft Edge WebView2 apps.
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Visually highlight WebView2s in apps #59

Open david-risney opened 1 year ago

david-risney commented 1 year ago

A feature to see visually where a WebView2 is located within an application.

A rectangular border or a light semi-transparent overlay on top of the WebView2 so that users can see where the WebView2 is.

david-risney commented 1 year ago

I've been trying this out a bunch and it seems like Windows just gives me the wrong coordinates for an HWND initially. Probably put this feature on hold.

david-risney commented 3 months ago

Here's a screenshot of how it was working previously:


It had a problem where before moving or resizing the window with the webview2, Windows would give the wrong position for the WebView2 and the overlay is in the wrong place.

The work for this was in the branch webview2-overlay