david-risney / WebView2Utilities

WebView2Utilities helps you develop and debug Microsoft Edge WebView2 apps.
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Create reports without needing the host app running #69

Closed david-risney closed 3 months ago

david-risney commented 9 months ago

Often want to create reports for apps that are crashing with WebView2. WebView2Util can't cover cases where app crashes at launch if it can only create reports for running apps. Perhaps cache last user data folder. Or perhaps use ETW events to find app crashes.

victorhuangwq commented 3 months ago
david-risney commented 3 months ago
victorhuangwq commented 3 months ago

I'm calling it 'Status' and its currently either Running or Terminated. In the PID text box I'm adding the status text if its not Running.

This is a good idea

Seems like it will be good to give them a slightly gray color and to try to put them at the bottom.

I do think the current blue for running, and then black or dark grey for terminated would work. a straight gray is a little tiring when it comes to contrast.

david-risney commented 3 months ago

I'll see if I can figure out a way for WPF to tell me some colors to use.

david-risney commented 3 months ago

There is an API for standard OS colors for different purposes so it will continue working when changing theme or high contrast mode or whatever. I'm using ControlText for the normal list view items I've and the 'GrayText' color for the terminated items which is intended for disabled items. The gray used here is darker than what I was using originally and I think looks nicer. 18cae77adb844535f90544948cf0d13702543839