david-thrower / cerebros-core-algorithm-alpha

The Cerebros package is an ultra-precise Neural Architecture Search (NAS) / AutoML that is intended to much more closely mimic biological neurons than conventional neural network architecture strategies.
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inconsistancies-in-network-graph-parsing #106

Closed david-thrower closed 10 months ago

david-thrower commented 10 months ago

Kind of issue: bug

Steps to reproduce the behavior: Intermittent with intended use.

Cerebros Enterprise Platform

If running on Kubeflow, which Jupyter notebook did you use as a template for your job? [N/A

Were you running this on public data that you can share? Can you provide an example of what the data looks like? Ames Housing Data

Can you provide the code or combination of parameters that was involved (if not, its ok)? N/A

Can you copy and paste in any error or unexpected results?

  2023-08-31 15:31:42.859762: W tensorflow/compiler/tf2tensorrt/utils/py_utils.cc:38] TF-TRT Warning: Could not find TensorRT\nTraceback (most recent call last):\n  File "[redacted].py", line [redacted], in [redacted]:

metric_prelim = cerebros_automl.run_random_search()

File "/opt/cerebros-core-algorithm-alpha/cerebros/simplecerebrosrandomsearch/simple_cerebros_random_search.py", line 524, in run_random_search    

Process(target=self.run_moity_permutations(spec=spec, subtrial_number=subtrial_number, lock=lock)))
File "/opt/cerebros-core-algorithm-alpha/cerebros/simplecerebrosrandomsearch/simple_cerebros_random_search.py", line 478, in 

              File "/opt/cerebros-core-algorithm-alpha/cerebros/neuralnetworkfuture/neural_network_future.py", line 431, in get_graph
                    File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/pyvis/network.py", line 435, in save_graph
                          File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/pyvis/network.py", line 533, in write_html
                              shutil.rmtree(f"{tempdir}/lib")\n  File "/usr/lib/python3.8/shutil.py", line 722, in rmtree
                                  onerror(os.rmdir, path, sys.exc_info())\n  File "/usr/lib/python3.8/shutil.py", line 720, in rmtree
                                      OSError: [Errno 39] Directory not empty: \'./lib\'

Expected behavior

It is unknown why this raised this exception selectively in this case. Additionally, the directory is usually not empty, and it does not throw this error.



Execution environment:

Linux: Modified tensorflow/tensorflow:2.12.0 container running on K8s.

Desktop (please complete the following information): N/A

Add any other context about the problem here.

Suggested Labels (If you don't know, that's ok): kind/bug