david-thrower / cerebros-core-algorithm-alpha

The Cerebros package is an ultra-precise Neural Architecture Search (NAS) / AutoML that is intended to much more closely mimic biological neurons than conventional neural network architecture strategies.
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Investigate race conditions with using a self-contained hyperameter tuner such as Optuna #74

Open david-thrower opened 1 year ago

david-thrower commented 1 year ago
  1. Optuna has made one update that may have the issue fixed on their end.
  2. If there is a way to use a local blockchain based SQL as a replacement for Sqlite and this is more realistic to do as a self contained component than a full blown SQL server like Postgres, this may be an approach to look into.
david-thrower commented 1 year ago

Fixed with: https://github.com/david-thrower/cerebros-mlflow-based/issues/15