FR2.5.2: The system shall display information about recommended restaurants in the city.
FR2.5.3: The system shall display information about recommended pubs in the city.
Additional Requirement
Create a basic UI layout prototype
User Stories
As a student who does not know how to cook, I would like to know a restaurant with a fair price, so that I don't have to pay over price whenever I eat.
As a Korean student who does not know how to cook, I would like to know restaurants that sells Korean food or something similar, so that I can reduce home sickness.
As a student who knows how to cook, I would like to know some nice restaurants to eat out with my friends, so that I can hang out with them.
As a student who craves for food, I would like to know nothing but the best food of the city, so that I can fulfill my needs.
As a user who likes to criticize, I would like to have a like/dislike functionality, so that I can help other people to choose wisely.
As a student who is over 18 but under 20, I would like to get some recommendations to get cheap beers in the city, so that I can drink without going broke.
As a student who likes hanging out, I would like to know some good pubs of the city, so that I can hang out with my friends.
Acceptance Criteria
[x] Section to see the top 3 restaurants of the city.
[x] Section to see the top 3 pubs of the city.
[x] Section to see the list of Korean restaurants in the city.
[x] Section to see other Asian cuisine (Japanese, Chinese, Vietnamese etc.) in the city.
[x] Section to see other nice restaurants in the city.
Related Requirements
Requirements Related to the Displayed Information
FR2.5.2: The system shall display information about recommended restaurants in the city. FR2.5.3: The system shall display information about recommended pubs in the city.
Additional Requirement
User Stories
As a student who does not know how to cook, I would like to know a restaurant with a fair price, so that I don't have to pay over price whenever I eat. As a Korean student who does not know how to cook, I would like to know restaurants that sells Korean food or something similar, so that I can reduce home sickness. As a student who knows how to cook, I would like to know some nice restaurants to eat out with my friends, so that I can hang out with them. As a student who craves for food, I would like to know nothing but the best food of the city, so that I can fulfill my needs. As a user who likes to criticize, I would like to have a like/dislike functionality, so that I can help other people to choose wisely. As a student who is over 18 but under 20, I would like to get some recommendations to get cheap beers in the city, so that I can drink without going broke. As a student who likes hanging out, I would like to know some good pubs of the city, so that I can hang out with my friends.
Acceptance Criteria