david284 / ModuleDescriptor

VLCB/CBUS Module descriptor format & examples
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If I could request a few extra optional fields in the top level ? #5

Open david284 opened 4 months ago

david284 commented 4 months ago

by stephen_young » Sat Mar 02, 2024 5:41 pm

If I could request a few extra optional fields in the top level ?

Along the same lines as NVsetNeedsLearnMode , could there also be something like doesNotSendWrackOnNvSet ? Some modules do not send the WRACK acknoweledge following a NVSET.

Some modules don't reply with the number of Events when sent an RQEVN, perhaps doesNotReplyToRqevn ?

There are also 3 firmware types logged in JMRI that do not send a correct STAT response to RSTAT, perhaps rstatReplyIncorrect ?